The Demography Project is an independent youth-led non-profit organization that leverages civic technology, citizen science, collective action and grassroots journalism towards amplifying community voices and enhancing citizen capacity to engage and participate in advancing accountable governance, participatory democracy, environmental conservation and for public awareness.

Our mission is to promote an enlightened and responsible Kenyan citizenry committed towards democratic principles and actively engaged in the practice of democracy and sustainable development.

Empowered communities where individuals thrive & households flourish.
We envision a future that

Data is Information; Information is Power; and Power Belongs to the People
We seek to empower communities, households & individuals with accessible, affordable & easy-to-use tools for informed decisionmaking & strengthen the technical capacity to use data meaningfully. improve open-government & citizen-generated data focus on monitoring, interpreting, evaluation and disseminating accurate and objective demographic, democratic, health and related socioeconomic data to enhance information awareness and collaborative action;
In addition, we seek to improve data use for decision making and strengthening the technical and organizational capacity of communities to collect, analyze, and use data;
Our Comittment to establish a public and OPEN data repository accessible to ALL Kenyans; to use technology responsibly produce quality, fact-based information useful to the community we serve and ordinary Kenyans; to empower communities and households to initiate local interventions and initiatives towards good governance, public accountability;

Our Story
2021 was a pivotal year for our community in Kihumo Village, then ravaged by the dual negative socioeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic & a historic drought. What started as a concerted discussion on locally-led remedial measures against the worsening state of the Water, Sanitation & Health (WASH) facilities in our village became
Citizen Science for Climate Action
CivicTech for Participatory Democracy
Combating Mis-& DisInformation
Promoting Citizen-Generated Data
Digital Rights for Civil Online Spaces
Management Team
Day-to-day operations at The Demography Project are handled by a competent & qualified Management Team. It is made up of the Executive Director, Richard Muraya, & deputized by Chief Operations Officer, Caroline Njoki. It further includes the Heads of Strategy & Impact; Community Management;
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is – by the organization's Articles of Association – the employer of the Executive Board. It is also charged with approving The Demography Project’s programmes, budgets and annual accounts, as well as any major strategic decisions the organization takes. The Board currently consists of seven members.
We have prepared some quick guidelines to help you make a correct use of them. To use our brand assets in a way not covered by these guidelines, please contact us and have a visual mockup of the intended use ready. You can download individual assets in each section .
"The Demography Project" is THREE words, each word capitalized. You may include the additional text Community Based Organization after the organization's name to read: The Demography Project Community Based Organization.

The Demography Project's logo is a combination of a logomark (symbol) and a logotype (letters).
The Logo Type (letters) are comprised of Lovelo font, size 62.7 on a 91 point curve around the Logo Mark
Our main logo is on a transparent background. Use this version whenever possible. Alternatively, you can use the white, blue or gray version of the logo with transparent background, but never a different color. The white version works well on dark and busy backgrounds, while the blue and gray versions should only be used on white or light backgrounds.
Statutory Documents
Our operations are guided by statutory documents that outline our mission & vision
Community Groups Registration Act
The Community Groups Registration Act No. 30 of 2022 was assented by then-President Uhuru Kenyatta on 6th July, 2022 to provide a regulatory framework for the registration and regulation of community groups. The Demography Project is registered as a community-based organization & complies with provisions of the Community Groups Act to extents permissible & consistent with our values...
Strategic Plan 2020-2025
Our Strategic Plan sets the short- and medium-term trajectory aimed at maximizing positive societal impact and improving our service delivery in the communities we serve. It
outlines the overall direction, goals and objectives for the organization with a clear roadmap for
achieving them.
Sexual Harassment Policy
The Sexual Harassment Policy is intended for use by staff, volunteers & employees and extends to partners and stakeholders who hold contracts with The Demography Project. It is linked to our Integrity Policy (2022) as a direct consequence of our new Gender Equality and Diversity Inclusion Strategy launched in 2022.
Code of Conduct
The Demography Project's Code of Conduct applies equally to everyone associated with The Demography Project, including but not limited to:
This comprehensively covers our position on, among others: Child Protection, Gift Acceptance, Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Human Trafficking . They cover special behavior issues when working for and with children, for example involving media and photography.
2023/24 Budget in USD
The Demography Project has adopted best practices for safeguarding those within, those supported and those working with our organization to allow our stakeholders to work & live free from abuse, harm and neglect. It is our comittment to identify & minimize the risk of harm to our communities & beneficiaries from The Demography Project’s staff, representatives and partners.
Statutory Documents
Our operations are guided by statutory documents that outline our mission & vision
Community Groups Registration Act
The Community Groups Registration Act No. 30 of 2022 was assented on 6th July, 2022 to provide a regulatory framework for the registration and regulation of community groups. The Demography Project is registered as a community-based organization & complies with provisions of the Community Groups Act to extents permissible & consistent with our values...
Strategic Plan 2020-2025
Our Strategic Plan sets the short- and medium-term trajectory aimed at maximizing positive societal impact and improving our service delivery in the communities we serve. It
outlines the overall direction, goals and objectives for the organization with a clear roadmap for
achieving them.
Sexual Harassment Policy
The Sexual Harassment Policy is intended for use by staff, volunteers & employees and extends to partners and stakeholders who hold contracts with The Demography Project. It is linked to our Integrity Policy (2022) as a direct consequence of our new Gender Equality and Diversity Inclusion Strategy launched in 2022.
Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct applies equally to everyone associated with The Demography Project, including but not limited to: staff, volunteers, contractors, consultants, service providers. It comprehensively covers our comittment & position on, among others:
We have prepared some quick guidelines to help you make a correct use of them. To use our brand assets in a way not covered by these guidelines, please contact us and have a visual mockup of the intended use ready. You can download individual assets in each section.
"The Demography Project" is THREE words, each word capitalized. You may include the additional text Community Based Organization after the organization's name to read: The Demography Project Community Based Organization.
The Demography Project's logo is a combination of a logomark (symbol) and a logotype (letters).
The Logo Type (letters) are comprised of Lovelo font, size 62.7 on a 91 point curve around the Logo Mark
Our main logo is on a transparent background. Use this version whenever possible. Alternatively, you can use the white, blue or gray version of the logo with transparent background, but never a different color. The white version works well on dark and busy backgrounds, while the blue and gray versions should only be used on white or light backgrounds.
What Should I Use?
The primary logo is the main The Demography Project GIF logo and should be used whenever possible. Alternatively, you may use the PNG logo provided, with the African continent featuring at the centre of the Logo Mark.
Legal Conditions
Please remember that our brand assets are proprietary and protected by intellectual property laws.
Color Palette
Our core palette consists of 4 colors that should be the foundation of your design: Earth Blue, white and 2 shades of gray.
Color Palette
Kenya is classified as a water-scarce country by the United Nations with an annual per capita water availability of 235m3, less than half of the UN's definition of absolute water scarcity.